Today I Let Myself Off the Hook

Day 19: 30-Day Umaverse Honesty Project

Uma Bode
Jul 17, 2021
woman lying down looking at us with one eye through her blond hair
Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash

Some days are meant for resting and enjoying the company of others. Today was one of those days. I’m not going to post more than this little statement. I’m showing up, I’m writing, I’m putting it on Medium. Perhaps it’s cheating to not write something longer or more substantial, but that’s just how it is today.

Tomorrow will be a longer writing exercise and I’ve got some good ideas for it brewing. 11 days left in this 30-day writing challenge honesty project, after today.



Uma Bode

Writes about personal growth, practical spirituality, entrepreneurship, living authentically, and other stuff. Founder of The Umaverse.